The Expo Affair A Cold War Escape Story
The Expo Affair A Cold War Escape Story

The Expo Affair

A Cold War Escape Story

Geza Tatrallyay was born in Budapest, Hungary, and escaped with his family in 1956, immigrating to Canada. Geza worked as a host in the Ontario Pavilion at Expo '70, was selected as a Rhodes Scholar, attending Oxford University, and represented Canada as an epée fencer in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. He is the author ofTwisted Reasons (Deux Voiliers), For the Children (Editions Dedicaces), and Cello's Tears (P.R.A. Publishing). Since 2004, he has been semi-retired, devoting his time to his family and his writing.

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Geza Tatrallyay

Geza Tatrallyay was born in Budapest, Hungary, and escaped with his family in 1956, immigrating to Canada. Geza worked as a host in the Ontario Pavilion at Expo ’70, was selected as a Rhodes Scholar, attending Oxford University, and represented Canada as an epée fencer in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. He is the author of Twisted Reasons (Deux Voiliers), For the Children (Editions Dedicaces), andCello’s Tears (P.R.A. Publishing). Since 2004, he has been semi-retired, devoting his time to his family and his writing.


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