The Book for Dangerous Women A Guide to Modern Life

The Book for Dangerous Women

A Guide to Modern Life

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Ever wonder how to best dress your apple-shaped figure? Do you know the top twelve rules on how to properly (and discreetly) conduct an affair? The Book for Dangerous Women is a sly, elegant encyclopedia of practicalwisdom by three women who know a bit about life and bring their myriad of experiences of bear on topics such as marriage, infidelity, motherhood, sex, fashion, friendship, work, and self-discovery.

More than five hundred entries of safe advice show us how to get through life with a little grace and a lot of fun — from how to accept compliments to when to wear "cami-knickers," to how to deal with ambivalence (toward lovers, friends, or foes), and why owning a cat and a fancy dress may be more fulfilling than sex. Many entries include insights from the famed and infamous, such as Oscar Wilde, Coco Chanel, Mae West, Eve Ensler, Albert Camus, Anaïs Nin, and William Shakespeare.

Written and compiled by three dangerously knowledgeable, absolutely fabulous, and mordantly witty women, The Book for Dangerous Women is a must-have guide for moments of crisis and a delectable compendium of humour and advice.

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Liz Hoggard

Liz Hoggard is a columnist and interviewer for the Evening Standard.

Clare Conville

Clare Conville is a literary agent, who was listed by the Observer as one of the top 50 players in the world of books.

Sarah-Jane Lovett

Sarah-Jane Lovett, is a Diarist for the Evening Standard and The Times.


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