Ngā Atua: Māori Gods
Ngā Atua: Māori Gods

Ngā Atua: Māori Gods

A book to treasure for young and old, internationally renowned artist Robyn Kahukiwa's Ngā Atua: Māori Gods takes the reader on a beautiful visual journey while imparting simple and effective explanation of the major Māori gods. Robyn introduces the pantheon of Māori gods, and explains the arena in life for which each deity is responsible, for example: 'Tumatauenga is the greatest warrior atua. His powers are extreme strength and courage. He fights for truth and justice.' This book is a beautiful introduction to some of the unique deities that are part of Aotearoa/New Zealand's cultural story, and affirms their continued relevance today.

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Robyn Kahukiwa

Robyn Kahukiwa (Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti) is on of Aotearoa/New Zealand's most important contemporary Māori artists. Her work has been exhibited worldwide and is in numerous art galleries, museums and private collections. She has written and illustrated numerous children's picture books.


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