Literatures, Communities, and Learning Conversations with Indigenous Writers

Literatures, Communities, and Learning

Conversations with Indigenous Writers

Scarica anteprima
  • educators teaching Indigenous literatures will be interested in this book as a resource / topical
  • Canadian reading public interested in Indigenous literature, aka “the Shelagh Rogers crowd”
  • Introduction addresses controversies such as appropriation, debates around authors such as Joseph Boyden
  • gives Indigenous writers an opportunity to address direct questions around why writing matters to them and their communities
  • Dettagli libro


    Aubrey Jean Hanson

    Aubrey Jean Hanson is a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta and a faculty member at the University of Calgary. Her research spans Indigenous literary studies, curriculum studies, and social justice education. Aubrey has previously published in English Studies in Canada, The Walrus, and Studies in American Indian Literatures.


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