Ice Cream Town

Ice Cream Town

Scarica anteprima
Ice cream! You scream! Sammy has learned to live by his wits on the voyage from Poland to the Jewish immigrant community that is to be his new home in New York City. It is here he discovers that the vibrant, noisy streets of New York are alive with challenge - even more of a challenge than his new school. Will it be Sammy's wits, or his beautiful singing voice that will keep him out of trouble in the games of stickball in the rough-and-tumble streets? Rona Arato has written a humorous, life-affirming story about a young boy standing up for himself in the midst of peer pressure from a local gang, prejudice against new immigrants, and his own desire to be accepted for who he is.

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Rona Arato

Rona Arato was born in New York and raised in Los Angeles. Some of her happiest memories are of her children sitting in a circle at bedtime as she spun tales of imaginary people and flying dragons. Rona's books include Fossils Clues to Ancient Life, and World of Water. Her book Making a Difference- A Canadian Heroes Book will be published in 2007. Ice Cream Town was inspired by Rona's father's tales of his childhood as a new immigrant and by her memories of her own early years in New York.


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