Chirp: Waddle of the Penguins

Chirp: Waddle of the Penguins

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Chirp and his friends Squawk and Tweet love going on adventures together. Today they've traded their wings for flippers and their playhouse for the Antarctic.

BRRR! Will they ever reach the South Pole? Or will they become whale food? Join Chirp, Squawk, and Tweet in this cool adventure as they waddle, slide, and swim to safety.

The Chirp books invite readers into a world of imagination where Chirp, Squawk, and Tweet work together to solve problems, using everyday objects and their limitless imaginations. Based on episodes of the Kids' CBC TV show "Chirp" and inspired by Chirp Magazine, the Chirp books are designed to encourage learning through imaginative play and will open up the world to preschoolers, one awesome adventure at a time.

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J. Torres

J. TORRES is an award-winning comic book writer whose works include Alison Dare, Jinx, and Teen Titans Go! J. lives in Whitby, Ontario.


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