Betsy Warland

Betsy Warland has authored 14 books of creative nonfiction, essays and poetry. Regarding her 2020, Lagoon Lagoon/lost in thought, the Vancouver Sun wrote of her "magisterial (and yet, paradoxically, minimalist) distillation," and The Ormsby Review: "her command of art and language is that of a virtuoso." The Winnipeg Free Press review of her 2016 book, Oscar of Between: A Memoir of Identity and Ideas, called it "an astonishing book by a truly luminous writer." A mainstay for writers and teachers, the second edition of Warland's Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing (with new added material) will be released in 2022. This 2021 second edition of Warland's first memoir, Bloodroot—Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss (2000), includes a new, long essay by Warland reflecting on what Bloodroot taught her in terms of craft and the nature of narrative over the past twenty years. Former director and mentor of the Writer's Studio and Vancouver Manuscript Intensive, Warland received the City of Vancouver Mayor’s Literary Excellence Award in 2016. The creation of an annual book award honouring Warland, The VMI Betsy Warland Between Genres Award was launched in 2021.