Shannen and the Dream for a School
Shannen and the Dream for a School

Shannen and the Dream for a School

The true story of Shannen Koostachin and the people of Attawapiskat First Nation, a native Cree community in Northern Ontario, who have been fighting for a new school since 1979 when a fuel spill contaminated their original school building. Shannen's fight took her all the way to Parliament Hill and was taken up by children around the world. Shannen’s dream continues today with the work of the Shannen's Dream organization and those everywhere who are fighting for the rights of Aboriginal children.

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Janet Wilson

Janet Wilson is an author and fine artist. She is the author/illustrator of the picture book One Peace: True Stories of Young Activists and Imagine That!, and the illustrator of In Flanders Fields, Out of Slavery, and Jasper's Day. Janet lives in Eden Mills, Ontario, a community with a strong environmental focus.


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