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Lucy Frank is a 20-something old aspiring screenwriter who takes up digital sex-work to pay the bills. Circulating a confused social atmosphere of half-engagement with lovers, friends, and co-workers in present-day Montreal—Lucy struggles with her self-image, an eating disorder, and the illness of her mother. Haunted by self-doubt and a desire to believe in her work and worth, Lucy volleys between self-sabotage and ambition as she tries to develop a parodic script set within a massive multiplayer world-building game. She is thrown into amplified chaos when one of her sex-work clients threatens to dox her.

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Fawn Parker

Fawn Parker is a writer from Toronto currently based between Toronto and Montreal. She is the author of Looking Good and Having a Good Time (Metatron, 2015), Weak Spot (Anstruther, 2018), and Set-Point (ARP Books, 2019). Her story "Wunderhorse II" was the recipient of the Irving Layton Award for Fiction in 2017. A graduate of Concordia University's BA in English & Creative Writing, Fawn is a current MA candidate at the University of Toronto in the field of Creative Writing. She is co-founder of BAD NUDES Magazine and publisher at BAD Books.


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