Orphan Love

Orphan Love

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Anansi is thrilled to reissue Orphan Love, Nadia Bozak’s critically acclaimed debut — now featuring the first chapter of her second novel, El Niño.

Winter is giving way to spring in Black Dew Seat, a rugged outpost buried in the backwoods of northern Ontario. The year is 1989, and Bozak is on the run, fleeing a buried body and an unthinkable betrayal. She stumbles onto Dave, a Native rocker with a dark past, a beat-up canoe, and an escape route via the Hudson River to New York City. But their journey to the new world becomes a dangerous game of the hunter and the hunted when Dave’s past catches up with him and Bozak’s thirst for revenge won’t be quenched.

Weaving together the lonely landscape of northern Ontario with the man-made terrain of New York City, Nadia Bozak has written a beautiful, dark, and wholly original love story about two subterranean souls, searching for redemption.

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Nadia Bozak

Nadia Bozak is the author of Orphan Love and El Niño, the first two novels in her Border Trilogy. She is currently working on the third novel in the trilogy, english.motion, which is a timely retelling of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. She lives in London, Ontario.


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