Grandfather and the Moon

Grandfather and the Moon

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An award-winning graphic novel from Quebec — for fans of Jane, the Fox and Me and A Year Without Mom

This moving graphic novel tells the story of the affection between a girl and her grandfather. When the grandfather withdraws in grief after his wife dies, the girl is determined to live life fully herself and enters an extraordinary contest — the result is a sensitive portrayal of pursuing a dream.

Grandfather, a man of few words, is devastated when his beloved wife succumbs to cancer, and he sinks into depression. His granddaughter (“Mémère,” as he calls her) has a different response. She decides to enter the Who Will Go to the Moon Contest, and when she actually wins, she hopes that Grandfather will be proud of her. She embarks on the thrilling journey and at first it is wonderful, but just as she is about to reach the moon, her journey takes an unexpected turn.

Written by Stéphanie Lapointe and beautifully illustrated by Rogé, this imaginative graphic novel explores intergenerational relationships, love, death, dreams and illusions.

Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts:

Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Describe how a narrator's or speaker's point of view influences how events are described.

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Stéphanie Lapointe

STÉPHANIE LAPOINTE is a singer and actress who has produced three solo albums and is involved in various television, theater and film productions. She has co-directed several documentaries abroad for Radio Canada International and Care Canada. She is also the author of the young adult novel, Victoria. Stéphanie lives in Montreal.


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